Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Thoracoabdominal structures

Thoracoabdominal structures. Prior to 12.5 DPC, the fetal thorax could not be differentiated from the abdomen. This distinction became apparent at 12.5 DPC, and the echogenic lungs grew increasingly distinct from the more hypoechoic liver over the remaining course of gestation. The fetal stomach and urinary bladder were not discreetly identifiable until 17.5 DPC, when they appeared as hypoechoic structures (Figure 13).

Figure 12. Coronal views of fetal mouse showing progressive maxillofacial ossification. (A) obtained at 13.5 DPC shows faint linear ossification of fetal snout (arrows). (B) shows magnified coronal view of fetal face at 15.5 DPC. Note increased ossification of snout (white arrows). (C) shows coronal view of fetal face at 16.5 DPC. Orbits (arrow), snout, and interhemispheric fissure (arrowheads) are well defined structures. V = vertex, T = torso, H = head.

Central nervous system. Brain development was marked by visualization of the mesencephalic vesicle at 13.5 DPC and lateral ventricles at 14.5 DPC (Figure 14). The ventricles and choroid plexus were not routinely easily visible until 17.5 DPC, and individual structures could not be discerned otherwise. There is no argument about it: Viagra Professiona Canadian is the best erectile dysfunction remedy you can find in the market these days, no wonder it’s so popular with millions of people across the world. All you need for your penis to get fully erect and stay that way during sexual intercourse is take one single pill: you will know the difference.

Figure 13. Coronal images of fetal thorax and abdomen at 16.5 DPC (A) and 17.5 DPC (B) show increased echogenicity of lungs compared with liver. Note fluid-filled stomach.

Figure 14. Coronal view of fetus at 15.5 DPC shows hypoechoic frontal horns of lateral ventricles. V, vertex; T, trunk.  

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